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You and your birds won’t find better than the strength, longevity and year-round comfort of this ever-popular nestbox


There’s no other nestbox that looks or performs like it. Originally designed more than half a century ago, the Official Woodcrete Nestbox is by far the most successful box of all time, with millions occupied in woodland, parks and gardens worldwide. 


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Industry-leading occupation rates, proven to get more birds than other boxes. 


Snug and secure for winter warmth, yet shielded from sweltering summer heat: keeps bird comfortable
all year round. 

Air-permeable walls stop build-up of cold, clammy condensation - just like a natural tree cavity.

No paint, varnish or preservatives needed: just fit and forget.

High-strength hanger secures box on tree or wall, with aluminium nail provided for safe tree fixing.

Choose 32mm entrance hole to attract a wide range of species; 26mm for blue tits or oval hole for redstarts.

Front panel slides off in an instant for inspection and annual clear-out of nesting debris.

The only box that's been consistently endorsed by birdcare professionals for over 50 years.

The warm, dry wonder material


You could call Woodcrete the bird lover’s wonder material. Rivalling the

warmth, insulation and breathability of natural wood, this everlasting

weather-proof compound is easily shaped and moulded.

Developed by European experts Schwegler, it’s a carefully controlled blend

of over 70% real wood fibres plus clay and cement. This mix is compressed

before high temperature curing, creating a compound that’s virtually

indestructible and lasts for decades. Unlike cold concrete or clammy plastic,

Woodcrete breathes naturally to stop condensation build-up: this helps the

box interior stay dry and airy all year round. 


Ideal for: great, blue, marsh & coal tits, redstart, nuthatch, pied flycatcher, house sparrow and tree sparrow.


There's a choice of four natural colours and three entrance hole sizes. 
Find out more and order at

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