Birds with special requirements
Swift Apus apus

Swifts are generally found nesting in holes and cavities in the roofs of older buildings in large villages, towns and cities. Their numbers have declined in the past decade due lack of nesting sites as older buildings are either renovated or knocked down. Fortunately nestboxes can help redress the balance.
Medium nestbox with oval-shaped hole
Nest height as high as possible on buildings with a clear drop below entrance
Nest is a cup of plant material cemented with saliva
Egg laying starts between mid-May to early July
2 to 3 eggs, dull white
Incubation time 19-25 days
Nestlings fledge between 37-56 days, depending on weather

Barn Owl Tyto alba

A lack of suitable nest sites has contributed to a drop in nesting opportunities for Barn Owls – so any nestboxes you can provide will be a great contribution to conservation. Barn Owls are a Schedule 1 species, and it is illegal to look in nestboxes without a special licence.
Very big nestbox with a special entrance
Nest height at least 4m above ground
No nest is made
Egg laying starts between early March and mid-September. 1 or 2 broods
4 to 6 eggs
Incubation time 32 days
Nestlings fledge after 53-61 days
The quirky and the interesting...

Kestrel Falco tinnunculus

Kestrels pick varied nest sites, including cliff ledges, broken tree snags and abandoned crow’s nests. Kestrels nest in urban areas, as well as the open countryside. In towns, boxes can be attached to the sides of buildings.
Very large open-fronted box with perching pole
Nest height at least 5m above ground with clear flight path to entrance
Egg laying starts between early April and early July. 1 brood
4-5 eggs, white with lots of reddish-brown speckling
Incubation time 28-29 days
Nestlings fledge after 32-37 days
The quirky and the interesting...

House Martin Delichon urbicum

A long-distance migrant wintering in Africa, House Martins arrive back with us for the summer, nesting in mud-made nests built under the eaves of houses. Their numbers have declined dramatically in recent years so putting up an artificial mud nestbox will help the population recover.
A special design nest with entrance hole
Nests under the eaves of houses
Mud nest lined with feathers
Egg laying starts in May. 2 broods, sometimes 3
4-5 eggs, white, sometimes speckled
Incubation time 14-16 days
Nestlings fledge after 19-25 days

The quirky and the interesting...
Swallow Hirundo rustica

A long-distance migrant wintering in Africa. Unlike Swifts and House Martins, which prefer to nest in and around villages and towns, Swallows prefer open country, nesting in barns, derelict buildings and sheds.
Open cup nest
Nest height 3m above ground
Nest made from mud with feather-lined cup
Egg laying starts in May. 2-3 broods
4-5 eggs, white
Incubation time 14-16 days
Nestlings fledge after 19-25 days

The quirky and the interesting...