Advice for Architects, Developers and Land Managers
"The Official" Woodcrete Nestboxes come in 26mm, 32mm and oval entrance holes
Schwegler Kingfisher / Sand Martin Nest Tunnel

Both the Kingfisher (bottom right) and Sand Martin (top left) have lost many of their natural sites where streams and rivers have been restructured or otherwise "improved". This nest tunnel provides a vital nesting opportunity in such places, and also on natural waterways where no suitable sites are available, or where apparently suitable banks are too stony or have too many roots.
Schwegler Dipper and Grey/Pied Wagtail Nestbox No.19

This nestbox has an adjustable bracket so that it can be attached to arches, ceilings or walls of bridges etc, with bolts where necessary. It is specially constructed to be safe from small predators. It is most suitable for Dipper (top left), Grey Wagtail (bottom) and Pied `Wagtail (top right).