Buying a nestbox
Buying a cheap ready-made nestbox could cost you more in the long run.
They’re often made from thin, low-grade timber that offers poor insulation against sweltering summer heat and bitter frosts. And chances are they’ll start to warp after a couple of damp winters, quickly rendering them unusable.
For real quality, durability and genuine value look no further than these wonderful boxes – the official choices of Nestbox Week.
Choose the natural beauty of cedar or super-tough Woodcrete. Both boxes will reward you with years of dependable performance, providing a warm, secure home for generations of birds.
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The Official™ Cedar Nestbox
This beautiful box is ruggedly built using Canadian cedar from managed forests that weathers attractively and lasts for years without the need for preservatives or varnishing.
Ideal for Great, Blue, Marsh and Coal Tits; Redstart; Nuthatch; Pied Flycatcher; House and Tree Sparrow
Open-fronted version for Wren, Robin and Flycatcher also available
Buy at garden centres, wildlife stores or online at
The Schwegler 1B Nestbox
This legendary box is popular with conservation professionals worldwide. It’s constructed from Woodcrete, a tough blend of sawdust, concrete and clay that’s warm, waterproof and rot-resistant.
Ideal for Great, Blue, Marsh and Coal Tits; Redstart; Nuthatch; Pied Flycatcher; House and Tree Sparrow
Low maintenance: just fit and forget
Highest occupancy rates
Chosen by wildlife professionals, millions sold
Buy at garden centres, wildlife stores or online at