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Buying a nestbox

Buying a cheap ready-made nestbox could cost you more in the long run. 


They’re often made from thin, low-grade timber that offers poor insulation against sweltering summer heat and bitter frosts. And chances are they’ll start to warp after a couple of damp winters, quickly rendering them unusable.


For real quality, durability and genuine value look no further than these wonderful boxes – the official choices of Nestbox Week.


Choose the natural beauty of cedar or super-tough Woodcrete. Both boxes will reward you with years of dependable performance, providing a warm, secure home for generations of birds.

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The Official™ Cedar Nestbox


This beautiful box is ruggedly built using Canadian cedar from managed forests that weathers attractively and lasts for years without the need for preservatives or varnishing. 


  • Ideal for Great, Blue, Marsh and Coal Tits; Redstart; Nuthatch; Pied Flycatcher; House and Tree Sparrow

  • Open-fronted version for Wren, Robin and Flycatcher also available


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Buy at garden centres, wildlife stores or online at




The Schwegler 1B Nestbox


This legendary box is popular with conservation professionals worldwide. It’s constructed from Woodcrete, a tough blend of sawdust, concrete and clay that’s warm, waterproof and rot-resistant. 


  • Ideal for Great, Blue, Marsh and Coal Tits; Redstart; Nuthatch; Pied Flycatcher; House and Tree Sparrow

  • Low maintenance: just fit and forget

  • Highest occupancy rates

  • Chosen by wildlife professionals, millions sold


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Buy at garden centres, wildlife stores or online at


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